LYNCH MOB-The Brotherhood
Rat Pak Records
Lynch Mob… Hmm, that first CD ‘Wicked Sensation’ was pretty awesome back in 1990 as were several other releases. But numerous changes in line-up and record companies, George reuniting with Dokken on several occasions and participating in other projects has not made the career of Lynch Mob a very stable one. But the band is still there with Lynch, singer Oni Logan and the more recent recruits Sean McNabb (bass) and Jimmy D’Anda (drums) releasing CD number eight ‘The Brotherhood’. Although the CD title is supposed to point out that the current formation is a brotherhood indeed, time will tell how tight they really are. I mean, George already has another CD with Stryper boss Michael Sweet called ’United’ scheduled for November 2017 while earlier this year he was involved with the band KXM (with Doug Pinnick). Although ‘Wicked Sensation’ for me is still the best Lynch Mob CD to date I must confess that ‘The Brotherhood’ is better than I expected. George Lynch is still a provider of massive rock and metal riffs and ‘The Brotherhood’ has plenty of hooks and riffs. The sound is pretty intense and tight as a nit’s ass! Producer Chris Collier has managed to melt the performance of the band in an impressive and basically no nonsense sound. What you hear is what you get, a solid performing hard rocking band that sometimes shows a subtle side of itself. The track ,,The Forgotten Maiden’s Pearl’’ is quite a philosophical song and is very different from the rest of the tracks that are all dominated by strong riffs and Oni Logan who just knows how to put the pedal to the metal on massive rockers like ,,Black Mountain’’, ,,Last Call Lady’’ or opener ,,Main Offender’’. Also ,,Miles Away’’ is a very ‘quiet’ song in comparison with the rest, but impressive indeed, as Logan owns that song with his vocal performance. It is not that Lynch Mob sounds angry or something like that. I would like to call it determined, solid and with plenty of grit and that is where Sean McNabb and Jimmy D’Anda deserve credit for laying down that solid foundation for Logan and Lynch to do their thing. And George still is a force on that guitar. He may not be that flashy dude he was with Dokken, more of a guitar hero in that time. Now he puts the song first and plays accordingly and that still leaves him with plenty of room to expand and excel (,,Dog Town Mystics’’!!). Yes, ‘The Brotherhood’ has brought me more than I had expected!