

By Johanne James

Hello dear people and hope you are well under these strange times. 

Are you an optimist or a pessimist? How do you see this current situation? Will we survive, is there an end in sight, or will we drown in self-isolation and despair? A very wise lady once said that no state is permanent, not even a bad one. Another dear friend commented that no one in this life gets out alive! What are the alternatives and how does one look at things? I tend to be neutral, hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Maybe I should choose better company? LOL. In fact, as I may have mentioned in an earlier column that I’m quite enjoying the time away from school and not having to negotiate the morning mayhem! Is it better to have no expectations, therefore one will never be disappointed?

Expectation can lead to disappointment. I’d like to say that what is happening at this moment in time is affecting us in different ways. How does it feel to loose close friends and family members? We have all been there at some point. How does it feel to be isolated? This is a new phenomenon we have to deal with. It has driven some people apart and drawn others closer together. What does the optimist say, things can only get better, the pessimist utters, hell no, we’re all doomed. Me, I believe fate has dealt us a rather cruel hand, but all will be well in the end, but if it’s not well, then it’s not the end! I’d rather not wallow in that which I cannot change as I have no desire to carry the world on my shoulders, and I have my drums to think of, so I consider myself very lucky indeed to have had such a wonderful time, and the best is always yet to come, no matter what it may bring.

Stay alive and healthy.

Thanks for listening.

Johanne James

#blog #headbangerslifestyle #hbls #awayoflife 


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