By Johanne James
Hi there!
Today’s topic is: Eurovision Song Contest.
How many of you metalers out there actually watch this event? You may well do, and keep it very quiet indeed! I guess it has no bearing or influence on our existence, does it? I sometimes find it quite embarrassing hence I find an excuse to get up and leave the room. I’m just going to walk the dog. We don’t have a dog is usually the reply I get. I ask myself what purpose does it serve other than a distraction from the reality that we all must face? A mere moment from the hustle and bustle of our lives as we sit and veg out for an hour or two while the truly important things go unnoticed. I can’t watch it as it makes me cringe, but that is only my personal view and not to be taken as gospel as many of you out there may find it worthy of your precious time. I can’t believe how many viewers it attracts, and on prime time TV. Just as well it’s only on once a year, and how often do we hear of what has happened to the winners? Does it send their careers skyrocketing? I haven’t heard of anyone from these obscure nations hitting the hights of fame? They come and go in a flash and are very rarely heard of again. Maybe in their own countries are they well known but to the rest of the world, they shall remain an unknown quantity. But I should not criticize what millions enjoy as my voice of dissent will disappear in an ocean of applause, so I guess it is not to be sniffed at. I wonder if I will ever reach those dizzy hights of the Eurovision? Could you ever imagine Threshold or Kyrbgrinder appearing on this show, and if so could you ever imagine us winning? Hell no! But what a remarkable achievement that would be. We may loose a lot of fans but then we may gain a lot more, and who’s to say that it may not be such a bad idea after all. Watch this space, you may get a big surprise? Not!!!!!!
Peace my friends.