FUN Q&A With Erik Grönwall
Singer of H.E.A.T.
Erik Grönwall is the lead singer of the successful Swedish melodic rock band H.E.A.T., but he also gained great success as a solo artist and successfully started his own management company, Greenwall Management, two years ago to provide artistic guidance to artists like Sister, Sir Reg, Degreed and Jack Moy. Erik Grönwall is a real artist who can’t wait to go back on the road with his band mates to support the new, fifth H.E.A.T. studio album `Into The Great Unknown’. HeadBangers LifeStyle got the opportunity to ask a few questions to the energetic performer, but instead of unravelling the new CD, we decided to give him some dilemmas to find out more about the blond guy behind the microphone.
First thing I do in the morning when I wake up is…
,,I actually read a book, first thing in the morning. Right now I read an old Greek book about the myth Trojan War. I focus on reading 3 books a day. I read something easy in the morning and then I read a `how to..’ book at lunch and then I read an autobiographical book before I go to bed. Autobiographical books are mostly for inspiration.’’
When I take a shower I like to sing…
,,I love to sing in the shower and sometimes I sing… `O Solomio’… but actually the way Ace Ventura, the Pet Detective does; `Assholio mio, oh sodomia!’ [Laughing].’’
If you open my refrigerator you will find…
,,A box of wine, a few beers, ketchup, mustard, lemonade, some vegetables, watermelon… I’m not home right now so I can’t really remember and yeah, sometimes I do cook a meal.’’
Photo by Dino Soldin Photography
My biggest challenge in life is…
,,To wake up every day and do whatever I want with my time, because that is one of my values. Number one on my list is to wake up healthy every day. Number two is time. To do whatever I can with my time and to be able to do that, as a business owner, it is kind of a luxury right now to have my own business and to be able to do whatever I want with my time. But I don’t take it for granted. I have to work hard to keep on to be able to do that.’’
I am a real sucker for…
,,I have never told anyone about this… I love Nicki Minaj [laughing]. She is so fuckin’ groovy. I love it when she raps. It is crazy. When she is on the radio…. Yeah, I am a sucker for Nicki Minaj… I know it is weird.. No one knew about it, but now they do…[laughing]’’
I think everybody should buy the new H.EA.T. CD `Into The Great Unknown’ because…
,,We have put a lot of time into this album, we have been focused very hard on bringing you the best H.E.A.T. album ever. If you feel like buying the album and support the band, we would of course appreciate it very, very much. But you can also stream it on Spotify or Apple, I don’t care, just listen to the album once. If you don’t like it throw it away, if you do like it, come to a show.’’
The secret of my strong voice is…
,,My balls [laughing]. I always tell people that I have big balls and I think that’s the power source [laughing].’’
The last thing I do before going on stage is…
,,Take a Jack Daniels or a vodka shot with the band and do a group hug like an American football team and try to inspire each other. Yeah, that’s what we do.’’
The ultimate kick of being on stage is…
,,For me it is actually just before you go on stage that is the ultimate kick. Just before you rush out and see everyone in the crowd. That is the ultimate kick for me. It is an amazing kick actually!’’
The silliest thing I did on tour is…
,,Pooped in a Pringles can. We were on the Autobahn and there weren’t any toilets for a few miles ahead. I really had to go, so I had a Pringles can and I pooped in it. There is always a lot of crazy stuff going on on tour but this is the silliest thing I have ever done [laughing].’’
Life on the road with H.E.A.T. is…
My proudest moment with H.E.A.T. is…
,,When we opened for Scorpions in Madrid. That was really cool.’’
Photo by Klara Fowler
If not a musician I would have become…
,,I would like to say manager or booking agent but since I found that by doing music I think I have to say when I was a kid I wanted to be a pilot or a police officer. But that changed pretty quickly [laughing].’’
In my free time I’d like to do…
My words to the fans are…
,,You are amazing for listening to the new H.E.A.T. album! Have a beer and enjoy it.’’
Header Photo by Raul Blanco
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