Heavy Hangover | Muifel – Nina’s Black Metal BDIPA
A homage to metal
Muifel is the name of a small but rapidly expanding brewery based in the South of the Netherlands. Originating from the cellar of founder Martin Ostendorf, the brewery gradually builds its name since 2002. Gaining momentum Muifel landed several (inter) national awards with their first major launched craftbeer Zuster Agatha (Sister Agatha), an impressively well balanced Quadrupel, aka Barley Wine, that easily nests in the heart of any craftbeer lover. This brew became their flagship and still is a work of perfection that balances a robust malty taste with oily sweetness revealing caramel and raisins as well as ripe fruit and nice refreshing hops. Little bitter and full of explosive flavors it packs an impressive, mandatory and deceiving, high alcohol percentage of 10% ABV.

Muifel’s expansion also made their staff expand with the addition of another brewer, Nina Adolfse. Nina is referred to as ‘hero’ brewer by Muifel and it was a matter of time before she put her mark on Muifel and release her personal brew. With the craftbeer scene switching to cans all over the globe it was a good way to celebrate Muifel’s first canned brew with Nina’s personal taste. A taste that unites her passion for craftbeer with another love: Black Metal Music.
The release is Nina’s Black Metal Black Double I.P.A. (BDIPA) and comes with a scannable code for her personal Spotify playlist that consists of Black Metal bands that most have not heard off until now. She demonstrates taste for beers and Black Metal going hand in hand and in the meantime, she promotes (local) lesser known acts that she finds need the extra attention.

Black Double I.P.A
8.5 % ABV
The can’s appearance is sober and black, as expected, matching the genre’s specifics. In bold white font (Stencil STD) is the name of the beer and brewery logo. Horned skull rounding things up sober but effectively. It adds up. No fancy knickknacks or gimmicks, other than a reference to Nina’s personal Black Metal playlist. A list featuring the less obvious, as previously mentioned. Belgian bands Wiegedood and Amnera plus Fluisteraars from the Netherlands, amidst Scandinavian blacker-than-black bands such as Mork, Afsky, 1914 and genre giants Absu. It’s a well dosed mix to enjoy your beer with, for sure. It fuses Nina’s passion for music and the craft of brewing perfectly.
Poured, the beer has a thick foamy, caramel to light brown head over a pitch-black body. A nice pour indeed with long lasting foamy head that instantly appeals. On the nose it reveals an abundance of hops. No less than three hops used to create this hoppy bitterness. Amarillo, Columbus and Nina’s personal favorite; Sabro. Nice crisp scent with citrus dominating, balancing the malty nose perfectly. A dry hopped stout is the thing that comes to mind.
This fling of my brain returns upon the first taste. Though very bitter and dry, there’s a nice maltyness present. Stout-like at times, but dryer and bitter. Roasted and dark, as counterweight to the beer’s wonderful bitters and nice scent. Minimal spices in the mix, remotely some peppery notes, but minimal. No, it’s the powerful malts that make this beer a stand out one. Well-balanced the beer calls out to be emptied. Enjoying a bigger sip of this wonderful darkness it swirls with its roasted body and harsh bitterness. Mouth drying the beer also exposes a key feature, it’s long lasting after taste. It really rolls on the tongue and tickling and tantalizing your taste buds. With its medium carbonation it also drinks away easily.
While tasting enjoying a grilled to perfection steak, straight from our smoke laden Kamado. Loads of (cherry wood) smoke created to enhance its grill flavors. Rare, with coffee seasoning only, it worked well with Nina’s Black Metal BDIPA. Both complimented one another wonderfully, and even better when garlic butter was added to my sizzling steak.

Nina’s Black Metal BDIPA is another one of Muifel’s wonderful craftbeers. With Nina Adolfse at the helm at the company’s kettles, not a lot can go wrong. This BDIPA, with its roasted malts and hoppy bitterness makes for more. As I enjoyed it at the family BBQ, it fuses well with roasted meat and not overly seasoned dishes. Likely this also perfectly complements older/smelly cheeses or French blue cheese. I’m convinced pairing this Black Double IPA will open up even more possibilities and will certainly please metalfans that like to hang in the kitchen or behind their grill.
Not only an exemplary beer to enjoy on a sunny afternoon, but also one to enjoy on a cold Saturday evening listening to metal music. Black Metal music, what else?!
Photos taken from Muifelbrouwerij Facebook page and Website