Live | AC/DC [support The Pretty Reckless] – Festivalpark Stenehei – Dessel [BE]
9 August 2024
There sometimes are those concerts you thought would never happen again, like AC/DC. It was already no longer expected that these legends would release another album, but in 2020 they proved otherwise. With `PWR/UP’ they delivered one of their best albums in years. But given the age of Angus Young [69] and Brian Johnson [76], a tour in support of the album didn’t seem realistic. Especially when you also consider that Brian was plagued by hearing problems during the previous `Rock Or Bust’ tour and couldn’t finish that tour. And that’s not even counting the loss of Malcolm Young, who passed away in 2017.
However, when a European Tour was announced earlier this year, these gentlemen managed to surprise everybody again. Of course, questions loomed. How? Would that still sound okay? Would they be able to finish the tour? These were all questions that I, as a fan of the band, had.
Anyway, the tour was sold out in no time. The planning of the 21 dates was cleverly distributed, always enough days off between the gigs. The kick-off of this European tour was already on May 17 in Gelsenkirchen. So, the tour caravan has been on the road for some time as I make my way to Dessel to see AC/DC anno 2024 live.

As support for the entire tour, AC/DC brought along The Pretty Reckless. Definitely another band that I really appreciate musically, so what can go wrong! The fields in Dessel are of course known from the annual Graspop festival party, so that alone felt pretty familiar. The sun was shining bright and the grounds were filled with enthusiastic AC/DC fans.

As mentioned earlier, The Pretty Reckless had the honor of being the support act. Taylor Momsen and her gang managed to blow me over live in 013 [NL] some time ago, but unfortunately that was not the case in Dessel. Plagued by a rather poor sound, in full sun, and a field full of AC/DC fans expecting a party, the band unfortunately couldn’t really get their feet on the ground. Sure, the performance wasn’t bad, but I don’t think the music of The Pretty Reckless exactly resonates with the average AC/DC fan right now. And with all due respect, giving the guitarist a solo spot of over 5 minutes as a support act is not a smart choice. Just play an extra song then. But okay, that’s up to them.

In any case, my conclusion was that the band did not come out well in this setting, and the choice of their setlist did not help either. Too bad, because I think quite highly of the band. Better luck next time.

– Death By Rock and Roll
– Since You’re Gone
– Follow Me Down
– Only Love Can Save Me Now
– Make Me Wanna Die
– Witches Burn
– Going To Hell
– Heaven Knows
– Take Me Down

And then it was shortly after 9 p.m. when the intro of AC/DC started. When the sounds of a tearing muscle car resounded and then matching images were also projected, the band quickly silenced the critics and doubters. Like a rocket, Angus Young, decked out in typical schoolboy uniform, shot onto the stage and then the catwalk in front of it. Supported by guitarist Stevie Young, drummer Matt Laug and bassist Chris Chaney.

Kicking off with the classics ,,If You Want Blood (You’ve Got It)’’ and ,,Back In Black’’, and unlike the sound during the support act, the sound now really is solid as a rock. Angus raced across the big stage a little more controlled than in the past, which of course is not surprising at his age, but still more energetic than many a person.

Brian Johnson manages to get through the setlist quite well during the first half, but during the second half of the set it was quite noticeable and audible that he struggled to hit the right notes. Was that a bad thing? Well,no, because in this case I already find it more than admirable that the man is still on a stage at all. What did stand out is that he really feels like it!!! And that’s worth something, because there are plenty of examples of cash grabbers on the road who only do it for the money. I certainly didn’t get that impression at this AC/DC show.
And let’s face it, they could have solved that vocal problem nowadays by using backing tracks, but they didn’t do that!! And I think that alone is commendable. A band that plays LIVE!!!! Respect! And then also managing to tap almost 2.5 hours. That’s what I call Rock and Roll in its purest form!!!

Besides, AC/DC really knows how to throw a party and make everyone feel like they are part of this party. The set list is a true trip down memory lane, with a nice balance between songs from the Bon Scott era and the later Brian Johnson era. And one thing just goes to show. The music of this band is timeless! Of course, there will always be people who will complain about the current line-up, or the fact that vocals don’t hit all the notes anymore. But so what!!! Prove them wrong! With this tour they prove that they still belong to the top. Don’t whine, just make great music.

Angus and Brian obviously have the lead role on this one, but certainly kudos to the rest of the band, as they know how to lay a muddy foundation for the two. What I especially found to be a very big plus is that Angus’ endless solo rambling was now limited to a [too long] solo spot during ,,Let There Be Rock’’. Fortunately, that was only during one song, where in the past there was a long solo during almost every song. Now the songs were played!!! And I appreciated that.

I still want to emphasize that we saw a show of stature here! Almost 2.5 hours these veterans have been on stage and managed to put on a real party. Pure entertainment, fun, pure rock ‘n’ roll. You can’t describe this performance any other way. For some it was yet another experience of AC/DC live and for some it was the first time. I personally had seen the band at work in the early 90s and must conclude that I actually found this show much cooler. In any case, I don’t think anyone left Dessel with a bad feeling.
Will we see this band on tour again? Of course, you never know, but I think this show has been a worthy farewell.

-If You Want Blood (You’ve Got It)
-Back in Black
-Demon Fire
-Shot Down in Flames
-Have a Drink on Me
-Hells Bells
-Shot in the Dark
-Stiff Upper Lip
-Shoot to Thrill
-Sin City
-Rock ‘n’ Roll Train
-Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
-High Voltage
-Riff Raff
-You Shook Me All Night Long
-Highway to Hell
-Whole Lotta Rosie
-Let There Be Rock

-For Those About to Rock (We Salute You)

All photos by Raymond Helebrand