Live | FISH – Muziekgieterij-Maastricht [NL]
10 November 2024
For those who hadn’t caught on yet: FISH [Derek William Dick] the Scottish prog singer is retiring, and before then he is hitting the stages one last time. Under the name “Road To The Isles Tour 2024/25”, the man is traveling through Europe. Since the first show in Maastricht [on 4-10] sold out in no time, a second show was added to the tour. And FISH could reassure fans who also attended the first show that some changes in the setlist were made. There was even one fan who had already seen 21 shows of this tour. Talking about dedication.

There were also people in Maastricht who had never seen the singer at work, like yours truly. Nevertheless, I have enough people in my circle of acquaintances who have been fond of FISH since his Marillion days. I know the man mainly from his biggest hit ,,Kayleigh’’, which I think is a terrible whining song.
But I’m in for a surprise, so I thought, let’s go see what FISH has to offer on his farewell tour. And I was presented with a ‘best of’- set in a nutshell in Maastricht. By the way, this show was also sold out.

In terms of lighting and sound, the Muziekgieterij has their act together just fine. From the start of the show, the sound was excellent. FISH himself was in a fantastic mood all evening, with a big grin when he walked on stage and many amusing stories in between songs. Stories that sometimes harken back to the origins of the songs. Like for example the origin of ,,The High Wood” that consists of 5 parts and all together lasts almost half an hour. Five songs based on World War I that showed the madness of that war and war in general. FISH’s grandfathers both fought in an area on the Somme [France] and that very fact inspired him. I can only conclude that this was a true sequence of highlights.

Another highlight was the beautiful duet ,,Just Good Friends” that FISH and Liz ‘Elizabeth’ Antwi performed beautifully together. The interaction between the two in this performance was just wonderful to see as well as the combination of the two voices: very beautiful! The whole band around FISH was simply top notch. Drummer Gavin Griffiths, bassist Steve Vantsis, guitarist Robin Boult, keyboardist Mickey Simmonds and ‘backing’ vocalist Liz ‘Elizabeth’ Antwi.
Another highlight was the performance of ,,A Gentleman’s Excuse Me”. Just FISH and the accompanying keys by Mickey Simmonds. Quite a goosebump moment. That’s how FISH got the room to be quiet.

Of course some Marillion songs were also played, but frankly I was more impressed with FISH’s solo work. Sure, it all started with that band in the gray past, but the man has made a name for himself for over 30 years, with a loyal fan base that goes through thick and thin. And well, ,,Kayleigh” was also played. I personally didn’t need it, but the fans present appreciated it, and that’s what it’s all about, after all.

What I found perhaps most impressive was the amount of joy of playing that FISH, as well as the entire band, showed on stage. Gratitude. That was what you could see in the way FISH said goodbye to the audience after the last song and that feeling was mutual. After all the years of performances and albums FISH offered its audience, this performance as part of ‘The Road To The Isles Tour 2024/25’. A very nice, strong and worthy farewell.
For me, this was the first time I saw the man live at work and after all these years, FISH still gained another fan.
Big Wedge
The High Wood, I – High Wood
The High Wood, II – Crucifix Corner
The High Wood, III – The Gathering
The High Wood, IV – Thistle Alley
The High Wood, V – The Leaving
Slainte Mhath [Marillion]
Just Good Friends
A Feast Of Consequences
Fugazi [Marillion]
A Gentlemen’s Excuse Me
Kayleigh [Marillion]
Lavender [Marillion]
Heart Of Lothian [Marillion]
The Company

All photos by Raymond Helebrand