Live | Queensrÿche [support Night Demon] – Effenaar – Eindhoven [NL]
9 February 2025
Last Sunday it was once again time to go to the ‘Effenaar’ in Eindhoven because Queensrÿche were on stage. This tour [‘The Origins Tour’] is dedicated to the band‘s legendary first EP and their 1984 album ‘The Warning’. Back to the roots, so to speak, and for the first time in the band’s history, all songs will be played live in chronological order.

But first it was California’s Night Demon’s turn. This power trio has been around since 2011 and is accompanying Queensrÿche on this tour. The sound they produced was very pleasant and entertaining. Somehow they reminded me of Raven. But that could also be due to the fact that they have the same band composition as them.

Singer/bassist Jarvis Leatherby, guitarist Armand John Anthony and new drummer Brian Wilson knew how to stir up the already well-filled hall. Songs such as ,,Screams In The Night’’, ,,The Wrath’’ and band anthem ,,Night Demon’’ were played. Personally not quite my cup of tea, but the audience appreciated it. Even the “Night Demon” himself appeared briefly on stage to say hello to the band and the audience. A fun but not really memorable performance.


After a brief change over, it was time for Queensrÿche to kick off with ,,Queen Of The Reich’’. What is immediately noticeable is that the band’s sound is of a monstrously good level. WHAT A SOUND !! and that definitely benefits the performance. Of course we always have the purists saying that this is not the real Queensrÿche. But let’s face it, we now have the best of both worlds with them being around and also original singer Geoff Tate still performing.
,,Nightrider’’, ,,Blinded’’ seamlessly follow the opening track and Queensrÿche anno 2025 brings these songs live to an unprecedented level. Vocalist Todd La Torre knows how to hit all the high notes like a young wolf, and he also sings the deeper parts with an inspiration as if he once wrote the songs himself.

,,The Lady Wore Black’’ is the next highlight. Considering that I already enjoyed these songs back in 1983, it does bring a lump to my throat to hear them now in performances that are of an insanely high level. Also hearing all these songs now in record order is quite a special thing.

The lighting is good, the sound amazingly good and the band is playing these songs with an inspiration as if it were their newest record. The guitar sounds are crisp, the drums pierce through the marrow, the bass lays a muddy concrete foundation for the songs and the vocals, lead and also backing, sound how they should sound.
If I had seen this band for the first time last Sunday, I think I would have instantly fallen in love with this orchestra and these insanely great songs. True classics. Quite extraordinary how these songs can be in your DNA. Every hook, riff, solo and vocal melody you know as a fan [especially in the 80s] through and through. Guitarists Michael Wilton and Mike Stone blast one solo after another flawlessly from their instruments. And then the classics from the album ‘The Warning’ have yet to come.

And how!!! ,,The Warning’’ got a nice reception by the audience and ,,En Force’’, ,,Deliverance’’, ,,No Sanctuary’’ also held the audience in a stranglehold. Apparently many fans were waiting for this show, because the Effenaar was sold out to the brim on Sunday night. Two of my all time favorite Queensrÿche songs were now on the menu. ,,NM156’’ and the always goosebump-inducing ,,Take Hold Of The Flame’’.
To complete the album further, ,,Before The Storm’’, ,,Child Of Fire’’ pass by and the monster song ,,Roads To Madness’’ concludes the first part of the set list. To then perform the only song also written in this lineup ,,Behind The Walls’’ from their latest release ‘Digital Noise Alliance’.
After that they return with another all time favo song of mine: ,,Walk In The Shadows’’ from the ‘Rage For Order’ album. Followed by ,,Empire’’ and ,,Screaming In Digital’’, another of those songs that every fan has in his/her heart for more than half a century to make the prelude to the evening’s closing ,,Eyes Of A Stranger’’. A worthy finale to an awesome show.

I’ve witnessed Queensrÿche live quite a few times over the years, but for this show I wasn’t prepared. That will surely had something to do with nostalgia. This lineup of the band managed to put on a memorable performance that in no way I would have wanted to miss.
When a show runs and sounds like this you can only praise it. I am certainly not going to whine about the fact that this is a different lineup than the classic one. What matters is that with this show I was transported back to the early 80s. To the time when a young 9 year old writer of this article was allowed to discover this great band and songs for the first time. Thanks for that Queensrÿche.
Pure class!!! Brought to you by Todd La Torre, Michael Wilton, Eddie Jackson, Mike Stone and Casey Grillo.

All photos by Raymond Helebrand
Queensrÿche first burst onto the music scene in 1982 with the release of their self-titled 4 song EP `Queensrÿche', followed by groundbreaking albums `The Warning' (1984), `Rage For Order' (1986), `Operation: Mindcrime' (1988) and `Empire' (1991). Queensrÿche has sold over 30 million albums worldwide and have continued to break new ground and push their creative process.
Photo by Silly Robot Studios
progressive metal