Nijmegen [NL]-Doornroosje-5 March 2020
Last Thursday Saxon played their second show (the first one was a day earlier in Belgium) at ‘Doornroosje’, Nijmegen (NL) since singer Biff Byford recovered from a heart operation.
Both shows were glorious returns to the stage in sold out venues. Support came from another NWOBHM legend Diamond Head. For now we will focus on the return of Biff and Saxon so Dirk van den Heuvel of DCH Photography went to Nijmegen and came back with a photo report for HeadBangers LifeStyle. In the days to come you can expect a full report on the show Saxon, Diamond Head and Doro played at the ‘Mitsubishi Electric Halle’ in Dusseldorf, Germany. Enjoy the photos!

All photos by Dirk van den Heuvel of DCH Photography
#saxon #biffsreturn #nijmegen #hbls #headbangerslifestyle #awayoflife