The moment the world started to recognize the existence of Jinjer after they released their second full-length album ‘King Of Everything’ in 2016 and energetic and excessive live performances, the audience reacted in similar ways: “What the fuck is this?”, “Oh my god, this is simply amazing”, “speechless”. The band from Ukraine with their singer Tatiana Shmailyuk left the world with nothing but pure respect. Their special mix of pure aggression and technical skills is not from this planet. Jinjer have been working hard to gain this respect and success since they formed in 2009. They also first released two EP’s and a full length album before signing their first major contract.
Now, five years later and having released the third album ‘Macro’ and the additional EP ‘Micro’ in 2019, the Ukrainian sensation is back with album number four called ‘Wallflowers’.
It’s a heavy piece of music. Not only due to the musical style but also due to the fact that this is far away from being a mainstream release. ‘Wallflowers’ will trigger all your senses and needs your full attention. The eleven songs might be even the hardest tunes they have ever written and will for sure tear down every, and I mean literally every, stage on this planet. ‘Wallflowers’ will boost Jinjer even more on top of their own league. Its about time touring can slowly start again as this beast has to be unleashed in a live environment.