Frontiers Music srl
The Swedish heavy rockers of Perfect Plan have been working a few years to come up with a perfect CD. Have they succeeded in that plan? Was their work at the end of the day a Perfect Plan or not? Ultimately the reader and consumer has the deciding vote on that but for yours truly these guys have come up trumps. A few factors have contributed heavily towards the stunning quality that surrounds this album. First there is the complete singing package in the person of Kent Hilli. Never heard of this guy before but he has a voice that reminds me a bit of Keith Slack in his Steelhouse Lane period. Especially on opener ,,Bad City Woman’’ several Slack comparisons can be drawn from the vocal performance of Kent Hilli. Second factor that helps a lot is the constant quality of the eleven songs on ‘All Rise’. Mature, melodic and ballsy, maybe not all thrillers yet but there are certainly no fillers to be heard either. Third factor: the colour full manner in which the songs have been played, strong riffs and solos, energetic drums and bass and keyboards that most of the time have a supporting role and add colour on the cheeks. Fourth factor: an energetic production, fresh,, loud and clear. Fifth factor: a good mix between heavy rockers and more ballad type of tracks with the emphasis on melodic heavy rock with songs that have tempo and excellent arrangements. Okay, here and there the classic influences of bands like Giant etcetera can’t be denied but the way the record kicks off with three excellent songs (,,Bat City Woman’’, ,,In And Out Of Love’’ (no, not a Bon Jovi cover) and ,,Stone Cold Lover’’ is very heart warming and sets the pace for a debut album that is in more ways than one a perfect start for Perfect Plan as not at one moment the band can be caught napping on delivering quality melodic rock. ‘All Rise’ because Perfect Plan has entered the courtroom. Judge for yourself.