Review | Days Of Jupiter – The World Was Never Enough
Reigning Phoenix Music
What a return to the scene by Swedish outfit Days Of Jupiter! After their fourth album ‘Panoptical’ in 2018 the band around singer Janne Hilli seemed destined for bigger things. They were touring extensively in Europe. I have got no idea what happened but it became very quiet around the quintet further consisting of the guitarists Johnny Grendwald and Marcus Lindeman, bass player Janne Karlsson and drummer Magnus Larsson. I thought that their career was over. But here they are, back with a bang in the form of ‘The World Was Never Enough’!
Let me give you a quick reminder about the musical style of Days Of Jupiter. On their previous two albums ‘Panoptical’ (2018) and ‘New Awakening’ (2017) the band showcased a gritty combination of metal with a very modern alternative feel and surrounded by melody. Hard, without compromise but always with a good song on hand Days Of Jupiter profiled themselves as a great outfit. Yet, things became quiet and now the boys might have to start from scratch. Luckily, they found a new record label that obviously has great trust in the capacities of this group. A whole bunch of songs that have found their way on this new record can be seen on YouTube. When you see and hear the clips that have been made you get a perfect picture of what these lads are all about.
From opener ,,Original Sin’’ to closer ,,Invincible’’ it is wise if you strap yourself in firmly and take this journey with the band. This album is a dark, gritty, intense, and impressive rollercoaster.
One that will take you firmly in its grip and that just will not let you go as the music is intriguing, sometimes pitch dark, aggressive yet bursting with melody. Have a good listen to the role of bass player Janne Karlsson who is just sounding ‘nasty’ in a positive way. The guitars are most of the time low key and have this gritty feel.
The riffs are pounding like on the track ,,Machine’’ that has a very melodic middle part as well. ,,Parazite’’ is a scorcher of a song with a videoclip to match. It is one of the most intense clips out there. As has been usual for Days Of Jupiter on previous albums there is also a more ‘sophisticated’ song present in the form of ,,Desolation’’ where singer Janne Hilli is the main man. His singing on this track and on the others is just out of this world. He has this certain suspense in his voice that is almost second to none. He gives this whole album that extra juice.
‘The World Was Never Enough’ is from beginning to end a superb metal trip. The record has all the ingredients that a modern metal album should have. Good songs, a dynamic sound, variation, aggression, melody and expeditiously executed by musicians that are on top of their game. It has taken them some six years to built this monumental record, but that is exactly what ‘The World Was Never Enough’ is: MONUMENTAL! Got any doubts? Check out the clips for,,Parazite’’, ,,The World Was Never Enough’’, ,,Desolation’’ and ,,The Fix’’ and tell me that I am wrong. That these songs do not give you goosebumps and rattle your cage….
Release date: 7 February 2025