Review | Palace – Reckless Heart

Frontiers Music srl

So far Swedish singer/composer/producer and multi-instrumentalist Michael Palace has not disappointed on his rock and roll journey as a solo-artist. The last couple of years (actually since the ‘Binary Music’ album) his records have been completely written, recorded and produced by himself without the help of anybody else. It is a thing that seems to fit him perfectly. So also his fifth solo-record ‘Reckless Heart’ is done without any outside interference.


This way of working makes me wonder who Michael Palace uses as a sounding board, to check if he is on the right track or not. Or is he so convinced that his method of working does not need any sort of advice or feedback? It seems that on ‘Reckless Heart’ (according to his own words) mister Palace has gone back to the roots of eighties AOR, rebuilding his sound and his approach. Has he succeeded?


According to the raving reviews this album has received so far it seems that Michael Palace once again found an impressive formula to stun fans of melodic rock and AOR. I do confess right here that I truly understand why some of these fanatic AOR-reviewers hail this album. It has beautiful songs, it sounds immaculate, the musical performance is good and the singing is up to par.  Plus, there is enough variation there. So far, so good, right? In my humble opinion ‘Reckless Heart’ continues there where Michael Palace left of with his latest albums ‘Binary Music’ and ‘One 4 The Road’. It is more of the same. I have not really heard new elements in his sound.


For me ‘Reckless Heart’ is a logical continuation of his musical journey. Mind you, the level is with songs such as ,,The Widow’s Web’’, ,,You Give Me A Reason To Live’’, ,,Girl Is An Angel’’ pretty high. Fans of AOR and classic melodic rock (with a touch of Westcoast rock) will most likely dig this album to the max (and so they should). For me it does not add anything new to the sound, style and approach of Michael Palace. Fact is though that the level of ‘Reckless Heart’ is higher than the standard AOR material that Frontiers Records normally presents. But for some people to say that new dimensions have been created here, is a bit over the top for me.

Release date: 12 July 2024



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