Review | Rian – Wings
Frontiers Music srl
Their second album ‘Twenty-Three’ really put the Swedish rockers of Rian on the melodic map. Produced by Daniel Flores the band consisting of guitarist/singer Richard Andermyr, lead-guitarist Tobias Jakobsson, drummer Jan Johansson and bassist Jonas Melin made a solid impression. With their melodic style, comparisons with eighties top bands like Bon Jovi were quite often made. For me Rian had their own approach with the strong voice of Andermyr and the relentless guitarwork by Jakobsson leading the way.
On their latest release ‘Wings’ the band more of less continues on the same musical path, but yet again they have added more grit to their performance and sound. This time making use of the services of Magnum’s Dennis Ward who mixed and mastered the record. You might say that the real surprise is slightly gone on this record but that is compensated by the excellent individual performances and the fact that most of the songs are super solid and easy on the ear without becoming too soft or predictable. Dennis Ward has made sure that ‘Wings’ is in all aspects a real rocking unit.
Just as on ‘Twenty-Three’ was the case the start of Rian on this album is with the tracks ,,Carry My Wings’’ and ,,We Ride’’ above all form of criticism. Especially ,,Carry My Wings’’ reminds me slightly of German rockers Bonfire in their heydays in the mid-eighties. Up-tempo stuff, a great voice and scorching guitar work galore. The start is great and the continuation throughout the whole album very satisfactory.
The seasoned session musician Eric Ragno has supplied all keyboards for this album. Because of him several songs have really benefitted with Eric’s fine piano and organ exploits. Adding colour where it is necessary and just giving several songs like ,,Dance The Night Away’’ some extra character. If you did not know any better you would think that he is a full member of the band as his playful manner of playing fits the songs and Rian like a glove. Yet the biggest role is for Tobias Jakobsson who, just as on ‘Twenty-Three’ was the case, has free range and he lets it rip quite regularly. When you add to that a top-notch vocalist and a solid rhythm section the conclusion is quite simple: job well done and people that enjoyed ‘Twenty-Three’ will love ‘Wings’.
Release date: 4 August 2023