Roadrunner Records
Haters gonna hate. It’s been the same since day one, now now 20 years ago since the debut record got released [if you don’t count ‘Mate Feed Kill Repeat’]. So nothing new for the nine guys in Slipknot. Nevertheless, if you are part of a band such as Slipknot, the expectations for new music is always high and the threat to not please everyone in your current community is immense. But Slipknot wouldn’t be Slipknot if they wouldn’t know exactly that and in the same way don’t give a fuck at all. If you take their second album ‘Iowa’ as an example. Back then they couldn’t care less about the mainstream and delivered a straight fist in your face with an uncontrolled monster of an album. This is also what makes ‘We Are Not Your Kind’ so special. In some way, the songs are a retrospective, a tribute to 20 years of Slipknot. But this doesn’t mean, the masked are simply recycling their past and puzzle a new album together after five years of silence. The brand new album is the most experiment-containing album they ever did. It is incredible how much bits and pieces you can hear within the total sound. This album draws your full attention and you should better listen to it over and over again. In your car, with headphones, crank it up to 11 and you’ll hear and feel the overall haunting sound. It is attracting and scary as shit at the same time, it has such a sinister and threatening overall vibe. It is simply a musical masterpiece that can only be delivered by Slipknot. As I said in the beginning: Haters gonna hate, but that’s only the people who judge of what they see on the surface. If you’re brave enough you need to dive deep into the musical world of Slipknot and you’ll understand what I mean. ‘We Are Not Your Kind’ definitely belongs to the content of album of the year 2019.
#slipknot #headbangerslifestyle #hbls #awayoflife #roadrunner