Frontiers Music srl
Another big name from the eighties and early nineties makes a return to the record market. Not that Norwegian TNT have been inactive the last years, far from, but the last record ‘A Farewell To Arms’ was released some seven/eight years ago and their musical highlights (the albums ‘Knights Of The New Thunder’, ‘Tell No Tales’ and ‘Intuition’) were mainly manufactured in the eighties. The last couple of years the position behind the singing microphone was a problem as well. American top vocalist Tony Harnell left, came back. left again, came back and left again making it difficult for the band, as well as himself, to create some stability. When he called it a day band leader Ronni Le Tekro decided to find a replacement which he found in Spanish singer Baol Bardot Bulsara. Not sure of that is his real name or not but he made his debut last year during a live gig in Oslo where the band supported Scorpions. People that might think that Le Tekro, original drummer Diesel Dahl, bass player Ove Husemoen and our friend Baol are trying to go back to the eighties sound and songs will be disappointed. I did not know what to expect but unfortunately for TNT studio effort number thirteen is far from impressive. Of course Baol Bardot Bulsara can sing but he is more suited to AOR type of music than heavy rock. In some songs he just does not fit as some songs are really disappointing. Take for instance ,,Get Ready For Some Hard Rock’’. Really Ronni, you think people are waiting for such a cliché sing along track that has got no originality? It is anthem like, I admit, but it is laughable and just stupid. And there are a few more tracks that just sound not like the TNT we used to know. It is just damn right boring and it lacks any sort of inspiration. Hardly any blistering solos from Le Tekro. No songs that immediately creep into your head, it is just predictable stuff. Sorry but this sounds more like a group that has just started out and looking for a musical direction instead of a group with a career of some 35 years under their belt who once set the world on fire. Le Tekro said once after the ‘A Farewell To Arms’ release that he did not see any more new TNT albums coming out. We could have done without this one. Sometimes it is better to gracefully bow out. Instead TNT embarrass themselves with ‘XIII’.